What I learnt today…..

What I learnt about myself today…. with some help from a few beautiful friends.

Today I learnt that it is ok not to hold it all together, it is ok to actually have a meh day. My friend called it an Eeyore day and that was exactly what it was an Eeyore day. I had no idea why I was feeling meh, sad, flat, Eeyorish…. but I was and I wasn’t admitting it to anyone.

I had no reason for the mood of today, especially since I had been for a run in  the peaceful, coolness of the early morning, and I did it pain free which since November is a first for me.

Yet there I was sitting on the train travelling to work… feeling it.  WHY?

Again I went to what I knew I put on the brave, happy, positive face – WHY ?

I guess I do this for several reasons, I am processing and I guess I don’t want to be a burden, especially with no reason.

So…. I received a  Good Morning message from my friend Donna in Perth. She said you have been quiet, What’s up? Truth?

And she was totally right. I actually need to tell people when I need some love, hugs or support. People are busy with their own lives and because I am  the one that is strong, that is positive, that has the routine and her shit together they think that you actually do…… But today I didn’t.  And, how would people know unless you tell them.

I pondered on this all morning. I received another message and I fessed up. I was meh !!

Thus came about an Eeyore day – she too was right, It was just an moment, a day and it too will pass and it did.

I went to the gym, I did a weight session. I ate some delicious roasted veggies for lunch. I was feeling better.

So tonight I write this message to you. Eeyore days are allowed. Asking for a hug, love and support is allowed.  Having a cry is allowed. Hell even having a tantrum if that is what you need, is allowed.

So, while we all try to be the strong ones, it is actually ok not to be!

iphone 7th dec 056

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